Un message de Jim Gordon (Nouveau jeu de piste pour "The Dark Knight")
Publié le 23 Avril 2008

Un nouveau jeu de piste pour le film "The Dark Knight" vient de débuter. Un nouveau trailer à la clé ?
Alors que l'on recevait il y a moins d'une semaine ce message :
My friend,
Indictments are about to be handed down. If you don't want your name on one, we'll need your full cooperation in an upcoming operation.
In case you haven't heard, we are struggling with a bit of corruption in the department. I'm not about to let the Gotham PD collapse in on itself, so we're taking action. We've identified a
group of offenders that need to be apprehended. Problem is, most of these cops are hightailing it out of the city. But a C.I. just like you just gave us some information on their last known
whereabouts. Now all we need is to catch them. This is where you come in.
Consider yourself on deck. I'll contact you next week, and let’s just say it's in your best interest to play along. County's not a place you want to spend the rest of your life.
Lt. Jim Gordon, MCU
Voici le nouveau message reçu aujourd'hui :
OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have yourself a new assignment: Operation Slipknot.
A suivre...